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Sponsoring Societies and Organizations

Hosting Societies

Societat Catalana de Medicina de Familia i Comunitaria (SCMFIC)
Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista (SEMERGEN)

Official National and International Sponsoring Societies

The Mediterranean Circle

The Emergency Medicine Association of Turkey (EMAT)

The Israeli Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM)

Societa Italiana di Medicina d'Emergenza e Urgenza (SIMEU)

Service d'Aide Medicale Urgente de France (SAMU de France)

Slovenian Society for Emergency Medicine

La Societe' Francophone de Medecine d'Urgences (SFMU)

The European Circle

The Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BeSEDIM)

The British Association for Accident and Emergency Medicine (BAEM)

The Croatian Society of Emergency Medicine (CSEM)

The Czech Academic Emergency Medicine Group (CzAEMG)

The Czech Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (CzSEDM)

The Dutch Society for Emergency Medicine (DSEM)

The Icelandic Society for Accident and Emergency Medicine (ISAEM)

The Irish Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM)

The Polish Society for Emergency Medicine (PTMR)

Associação Portuguesa de Medicina de Emergencia (APME)

The Romanian Society for Emergency & Disaster Medicine

The Swedish Society for Emergency Medicine (SweSEM)

The Union of Estonian Emergency Medical Services

The International Circle

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

The American Academy for Emergency Medicine, India (AAEMI)

The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT)

L' Association des Médecins d'Urgence du Québec (AMUQ), Canada

The Chinese Association of Emergency Medicine

The Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine

The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (or English language site)

The Society of Emergency Medicine, Taiwan

La Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencia (SMME)

Other Links of Interest


3rd Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine

The Scandinavian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Medicine