Abstracts and Posters
On Site Information
Oral Presentations
PowerPoint™ for PC is the only acceptable presentation format for oral abstract presentations. Apple software users should save their presentation in a PowerPoint™ or pdf format. 35mm slides and overhead transparency will not be accepted. Oral presentation slides are due at the Ergife Palace Hotel Speaker Ready Room 24 hours in advance of the researcher’s presentation. Flash drives or personal computers are not permitted for use in meeting spaces to broadcast presentations. Please plan accordingly.
MEMC-GREAT 2015 Oral Presentations PowerPoint™ Slide Template
Abstract Numbers
Abstracts presented in oral abstract sessions are numbered according to each session, beginning with an "OS". Abstracts presented in poster sessions are assigned numbers based on the day they are presented, the session they are a part of, and their location in the poster hall. Poster abstracts will feature a prefix including a letter denoting the day of presentation (M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday). The number following the prefix indicates the board number in the poster hall on which the abstract will be posted. For example, a poster number of T-145 indicates that the abstract will be presented as a poster on Tuesday, 8 September on board number 145.
Posters will be located in the Congress Hall foyer. Each poster is up for a one-day period.
Please be sure your poster is up before 9:00 each morning. Supplies for mounting your poster can be found in the poster hall. We ask that you take your poster down by 19:00 each evening. If you do not, your poster will be removed and placed to the side of the room. Posters not claimed by the end of the Congress will be discarded.
Hours for the Poster Hall:
September 7, 2015 |
9:00am-6:30pm |
September 8, 2015 |
9:00am-6:30pm |
September 9, 2015 |
9:00am-6:30pm |
Abstract Competition and Awards
The Journal of Emergency Medicine is once again sponsoring awards for the top three scoring oral abstracts. These authors will have the opportunity to present for ten minutes each during the Opening Ceremony. The Abstract Committee will determine first place, and cash prizes will be awarded to the top presenter and two runners up at the Congress. Submit your abstract today to be considered for this amazing opportunity!
To qualify for this competition and award, you must submit your abstract AND complete your online registration for the Congress before 31 May 2015.
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Last updated: August 26, 2015