
Final Program


Speakers: please refer to your speaker confirmation letter for final assignments.


Pre-Congress Courses

  • Emergency Department Administration - September 5th and 6th
    This 1.5-day pre-congress course will focus on basic and advanced topics in EM administration, management, ED staffing, patient safety and quality, patient flow and ED through-put, and ED design and efficiency.
  • Emergency Medicine Residency Director Workshop - September 6th
    The training program for emergency medicine varies internationally but all instructors face similar challenges in providing this specialty education. In this workshop, we present common challenges faced by all residency directors, with practical solutions and an open forum for group discussion.
  • Initiating Publishable Research in a Low Resource Environment - September 5th and 6th
    In this course, professors who have successfully designed and published research will guide you through the process of performing unfunded research from defining a testable research hypothesis, choosing a study design, designing a study instrument, implementing an approved study, analyzing data to interpret conclusions, and writing an abstract for presentation at a national meeting.
  • NAEMSP® EMS Medical Direction Overview Course™ - September 5th
    This interactive course focuses on EMS in the “real world” and serves to enhance physicians’ expertise in EMS issues and is an awareness course to provide the student with the scope of components of medical oversight activities, their implications, and incorporation into decision making in EMS systems.
  • Natural and Technological Disasters – Basics - September 6th
    Disasters can be due to natural causes like earthquakes and floods or technological like nuclear power plant accidents. The size of disasters vary thereby creating challenges in formulating a response. This program will describe challenges presented by disasters using specific examples and provide an overview of response strategies.
  • Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiology - September 5th and 6th
    The Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiology pre-congress course is an outstanding resuscitation course for the emergency physician that encompasses a broad spectrum of topics including the critical airway, mechanical ventilation, fluid resuscitation, cardiac arrest, post-cardiac arrest management, sepsis, ultrasound, and recent updates from the critical care and cardiology literature.
  • Ultrasound - Introductory: September 5th and Advanced: September 6th
    Introductory: Didactic lectures will provide state of the art audiovisual presentation by a veteran faculty, followed by small groups of a maximum of five participants / one instructor allowing each individual participant ample time with their hand on the probe.

    Advanced: Didactic lectures will take place on-line at your convenience. The lectures will be available one month prior and one month following the advanced US course. There will be a maximum of five participants / one instructor allowing each individual participant ample time with their hand on the probe.

GREAT Meetings

These meetings are open to MEMC-GREAT 2015 attendees. Participation can be confirmed by emailing



Last updated: November 17, 2015