Oral/Paper Abstracts
Poster Abstracts: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday
- Abstract Acceptance
- Abstract Publication
- Important Dates
- Call for Abstracts
- Abstract Awards
- On Site Information
Abstract Acceptance
We are fortunate to have large amount of available space for oral abstract presentations. We are able to accommodate approximately 370 oral presentations in Kos, so be sure to submit your abstract soon! Notification regarding acceptance of abstracts will be made by 30 June 2011. Further details regarding placement as an oral or poster presentation, as well as date of presentation will follow.
Abstract Publication
The Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM) and the European Journal of Emergency Medicine (EJEM) will publish the top abstracts that receive the highest review scores, as determined by the EuSEM-AAEM Abstract Review Committee. Abstracts will be considered for publication in one of our journals ONLY if the author is registered for the meeting at the close of abstract submission.
Top Three Scoring Abstracts to be Recognized at the Opening Ceremony
The top three scoring abstracts will have the opportunity to present for ten minutes each during the Opening Ceremony. First place will be determined, and a prize awarded to the top presenter. Submit your abstract today to be considered for this amazing opportunity!
Important Dates
31 January 2011 | Abstract submission opens |
23 May 2011 | Abstract submission deadline - oral presentation and publication |
10 June 2011 | Abstract submission deadline - poster presentation ONLY |
30 June 2011 | Abstract acceptance notification made |
Call for Abstracts
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 23 May 2011 for oral and poster, and 10 June 2011 for poster presentation ONLY.
Members of EuSEM, AAEM, and HeSEM, as well as non-members are eligible to submit abstracts. The Research Forum will consider for acceptance abstracts that have been previously presented at other national, regional, and international scientific meetings. Submitting an abstract does not register you for MEMC VI; you must register for the Congress.
Submission Instructions
Go to http://memcvi.abstractcentral.com to begin the online abstract submission process. Click on the "Submission" button to access the submission instructions and outline of the submission process. Paper and disk submissions will NOT be accepted. MEMC organisers expect that all abstracts selected for presentation will be presented by the authors and that submitted abstracts will not be withdrawn. Please do not submit an abstract if you are not able to travel to the Congress and present it in the form selected.
The Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM) and The European Journal of Emergency Medicine (EJEM) will publish the highest scoring abstracts, as determined by the EuSEM-AAEM Abstract Review Committee. Abstracts will be considered for publication in one of our journals ONLY if the author is registered for the meeting at the close of abstract submission.
Review Process and Scoring Criteria
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed in blinded fashion.
Authors will be notified if their abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation, along with a schedule for presentation. Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be made by 30 June 2011. Further details regarding placement as an oral or poster presentation, as well as date of presentation will follow as soon as possible. If you do not receive any notification of your abstract's status, please contact:
MEMC VI Secretariat
Amy Kuhl
Congress Meetings Director
Poster Sessions
The dimensions of posters should not exceed 182.5 cm/72 inches in height and 91.5 cm/36 inches in width. Authors of accepted posters will be informed about exhibition date and discussion method. MEMC will be offering a value added service to all poster presenters. If you have an accepted poster for presentation, you will be able to order your poster through the Abstract Central website. This will allow you to have your poster made, and it will be waiting for you at the MEMC VI Registration Desk when you arrive in Kos. Please note that this service is completely optional, and offered only as a convenience to poster presenters who do not wish to travel with one or more posters.
Oral Presentations
PowerPoint™ for PC is the only acceptable presentation format for oral abstract presentations. 35mm slides and overhead transparency will not be accepted.
Submission Categories
Academics/Resident Education
Administration, Health Policy, and Legislation
Airway/Analgesia/Anesthesia/Sedation/Pain Management
Clinical Policies/Practice Guidelines
Computer and Information Technologies
Disaster Medicine
Disease and Injury Prevention
Imaging by Ultrasound
Infectious Disease
Internal Medicine (General), Nephrology, and Endocrine
Medical Education (Undergraduate, Graduate, and CPD)
Patient Flow/Throughput Management
Pre-Hospital/EMS/Out of Hospital
Public Health, Screening, and SBIRT
Research Design/Research Education/Research
Respiratory and ENT Emergencies
Shock and Critical Care
Toxicology/Environmental Injury
Wound Care/Burn Care/Orthopaedic

Abstract Awards
The Falck Foundation (www.falckfoundation.com) will be sponsoring two abstract awards at the Congress:
Best Overall Abstract
Best Pre Hospital Abstract
Each of these winners will receive a sculpture, and an award of €5000! These awards will be announced and handed out during the Opening Ceremony. You must submit your abstract no later than 23 May 2011 in order to qualify for this award.
The Journal of Emergency Medicine is once again sponsoring awards for the top three scoring oral abstracts. These authors will have the opportunity to present for ten minutes each during the Opening Ceremony. First place will be determined by the Abstract Committee, and cash prizes will be awarded to the top presenter and two runners up at the Congress. Submit your abstract today to be considered for this amazing opportunity!
On Site Information
Abstract Syllabus
The oral and poster abstract information will be published on the MEMC VI website prior to the Congress.
Abstract Numbers
Abstracts presented in oral abstract sessions are numbered according to each session, beginning with an "OS". Abstracts presented in poster sessions are assigned numbers based on the day they are presented, the session they are a part of, and their location in the poster hall. Poster abstracts will feature a prefix including a letter denoting the day of presentation (M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday). The number following the prefix indicates the board number in the poster hall on which the abstract will be posted. For example, a poster number of T-145 indicates that the abstract will be presented as a poster on Tuesday, 13 September on board number 145.
Posters will be located in the Congress Hall foyer. Each poster is up for a one day period.
Guidelines for Authors:
Please be sure your poster is up before 9:00 each morning. Supplies for mounting your poster can be found in the poster hall. We ask that you take your poster down by 19:00 each evening. If you do not, your poster will be removed and placed to the side of the room. Posters not claimed by the end of the Congress will be discarded.
Hours for the Poster Hall:
12 September 2011 | 9:00-18:30 |
13 September 2011 | 9:00-18:30 |
14 September 2011 | 9:00-18:30 |