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Monday, September 15, 2003

Track A - Auditorium

Resuscitation Track
Chairs: Erik Barton (USA) and Michael Frass(Austria)

9.00 - 9.30 Emergency Airway Management: History and Evolution
Manejo de vias aereas: historia y evoluciòn
- Erik Barton (USA)
9.30 - 9:55 Developing Adjuncts for Airway Management
Nuevos Dispositivos Para el Manejo de la Vía Aerea
- Michael Frass (Austria)

9:55 - 11.15 Resuscitation: The First 15 Minutes
Resuscitaciòn: Los Primeros 15 Minutos
- Said Idrissi (Belgium), Audun Langelle (Norway), Robert Luten (USA) and Andreas Thierbach (Germany)
11.15 - 1130 Coffee Break
Plenary Session
11.30- 1.00 Acute Cardiac Decompensation: New Strategies for an Old Disease (Pulmonary Edema, AMI, ACS)
Decompensaciòn Cardiaca Agudo: Nuevas Estrategias contra una vieja enfermedad (Edema Pulmonar, AMI, ACS)
Chairs and Moderators: Paul Calle (Belgium) and Brian Tiffany (USA)
- Massimo Antonelli (Italy), Amal Mattu (USA) and Ed Panacek (USA)
General Session
1.30 - 2.30 Managing the Acutely Psychotic Patient
Manejo del enfermo agitado
- Fernando Canas (Spain) and Andy Jagoda (USA)

Resuscitation Track
Chairs and Moderators: Charles Cairns (USA) and Jerome Hoffman (USA)

2.30 - 3.00 ALS Update: Do New Drug and Algorithms improve outcomes?
Actualizaciòn en ALS: Los nuevos farmacos and algoritmos mejoran el resultado?
- Jerome Hoffman (USA) and Benno Wolcke (Germany)
3.00 - 4.00 Success in Resuscitation: When Less is Better
Exito en la Resuscitaciòn: Cuando menos es mejor
- Audun Langelle (Norway) and Paul Pepe (USA)
4.00 - 4.30 Subtle and Deadly Misdiagnoses in ECG Interpretation
Maldiagnostico en la interpretaciòn de el ECG
- Amal Mattu (USA)

General Sessions
Chairs: Said Idrissi (Belgium) and Roberta Petrino (Italy)

4.30 - 5.30 Pulmonary Embolism (PE): The Cutting Edge
Actualizaciòn en Embolia Pulmonar (EP)
- Jeffrey Kline (USA)
5.30 - 6.30

Toxidromes and Antidotes
Sindrome Toxico and Antidotos
- Lewis Goldfrank (USA), John Henry (UK) and Carlo Locatelli (Italy)

6.30 - 8.00 EuSEM General Assembly

Track B - Tramontana 1

ED Design and Information Technology
Chairs: Howard Blumstein (USA) and Marc Sabbe (Belgium)
9.00 - 9.30 ED Design: The Physical Space
- Steve Bohan (USA)
9.30 - 10.00 ED Design: How to Make the Space Work
- Marc Sabbe (Belgium)
10.00 - 11.15 Information Technology (ED Information Systems)
- Jeff Desmond (USA) and Pinchas Halpern (Israel)
11.15 - 11:35 Minimizing Medical errors in the ED
- Graham Billingham (USA)
11:35- 12.00 Case Study in ED Information Technology: the Integration of Automated Patient Tracking and Charting
- Clifton Sheets (USA)
12.00 - 1.00 ED Design for Disasters and Terrorism
- Jacob Cobi Assaf (Israel) and Michael Pietrzak (USA)
Infectious Diseases
Chairs: Massimo Antonelli (Italy) and Thomas Cesario (USA)
2.30 - 3.30 Antibiotics: the Old and the New... Case Studies
- David Talan (USA) and Massimo Antonelli (Italy)
3.30 - 4.00 Soft Tissue and Wound Infections
- Nathan Shapiro (USA)
4.00 - 5.30 Infectious Diseases: Sepsis in the ED
- Moderator: Ed Panacek (USA)
- David Talan (USA), Michael Frass (Austria) and Bryant Nguyen (USA)
5.30 - 6.00

Intravenous Drug Abuse: Severe Unexplained Infections
- Patrick Plunkett (Ireland)

6.00 - 6.30 Infectious Diseases: HIV Patients in the ED
- Gabor Kelen (USA) and Richard Rothman (USA)

6.30 - 8.00

Go to Auditorium for EuSEM General Assembly

Track C - Tramontana 2

The Prehospital Track (NAEMSP and EuSEM)
Chairs: Raed Arafat (Romania) and Francis Mencl (NAEMSP)

9.00 - 10.00 Prehospital Organization and Interventions: Impact on Cardiac Care
- Moderator: Raed Arafat (Romania)
- Jean Emmanuel de La Coussaye (France), Greg Mears (NAEMSP) and Alain Vadeboncoeur (Canada)
10.00 - 11.00 Research in EMS
- Moderator: Ed Cain (Canada)
- David Cone (NAEMSP) and Joseph Osterwalder (Switzerland)
11.00 - 11.30 Integrated Prehospital Systems
- Moderator: Santiago Ferrandiz (Spain)
- Raed Arafat (Romania) and Nelson Pereira (Portugal)
11.30- 1.00 EMS Organizational Models: Are They Really Different?
- Moderator: Francis Mencl (NAEMSP)
- Nabeel Abdulrahman (Abu Dhabi/Bahrain), Jean Emmanuel de La Coussaye (France), Joseph Epstein (Australia), Julius Jakubaszko (Poland), Marcelo Muro (Argentina) and Kobi Peleg (Israel)

The Prehospital Track (NAEMSP and EuSEM)
Chairs: Helen Askitopoulou (EuSEM) and Richard Hunt (NAEMSP)

2.30 - 3.30 EMS Quality and Performance Improvement: Standards and Protocols
- Moderators: Helen Askitopoulou (Greece) and Rick Hunt (NAEMSP)
- Helen Askitopoulou (Greece), Juan Carlos Medina Alvarez (Spain), Ed Cain (Canada) and David Petrie (Canada)
3.30 - 4.30 Prehospital Advances in Airway Management: Advances and Controversies
- Moderator: Robert O'Connor (NAEMSP)
- Francis Mencl, Milana Pokorná (Czech) & Marvin Wayne (NAEMSP)
4.30 - 5.30 EMS Ambulance Competition: A Tool for Education, Research and International Cooperation
- Moderator: Greg Mears (NAEMSP) and Marcelo Muro (Argentina)
- Antonio Gandia (USA), Monika Grunfeld (Slovenia), Francis Mencl (NAEMSP) & Jiri Stana (Czech)
5.30 - 6.30 Lights and Sirens: When Speed Kills
- Moderator: Pinchas Halpern (Israel)
- Guy Mazairac (Belgium) and Robert O'Connor (NAEMSP)
6.30 - 8.00 Go to Auditorium for EuSEM General Assembly

Track D - Tramontana 3

General Sessions
Chairs: Oktay Eray (Turkey), Ed Michelson (USA) and Ghaleb Okla (Kuwait)

9.00 - 10.00 ED Overcrowding: Overview, Challenges and Solutions
- Scott Altman (JCHO), James Quinn (USA), Miquel Sanchez (Spain)
10.00 - 10.30 Tetanus in the ED
- Kumar Alagappan (USA/India)
10.30 - 11.15 End-tidal CO2: From Cardiac Arrest to Cardiac Output
- Marvin Wayne (USA) and Benno Wolcke (Germany)
11.15 - 11.30 Coffee Break
Chairs: Oktay Eray (Turkey) and Gregory Larkin (USA)
11.30 - 12.15 Pitfalls in Orthopedic Radiographic Interpretation
- Michelle Lin (USA)
12.15 - 1.00 Performane Improvement: The Yin and Yang of Hospital Economics
- Ernie Sorini (USA) and Corinne Victor (USA)

Chairs: Mohamud Daya (USA) and Vit Marececk (Czech)

2.30 - 3.00 AEDs in the 21st Century: Where Do They Belong?
- Joe Lex (USA) and Nelson Pereira (Portugal)
3.00 - 3.45 Hospital Categorization: Role in Advancing Emergency Medicine
- Lewis Goldfrank (USA), Gunnar Ohlen (Sweden) and David Yates (UK)
3.45 - 4.30 Update and Controversies in Acute Asthma Management
- Axel Ellrodt (France) and Richard Nowak (USA)

Chairs: Bilal Kattan (Saudi Arabia) and Jirí Pokorný (Czech)

4.30 - 5.00 Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Dominique Pateron (France)
5.00 - 6.00

The Role of Expatriates in the Development of Emergency Medicine
Moderators: James Holliman (USA) & Bilal Kattan (Saudi Arabia)
- Raed Arafat (Romania), John Fowler (Turkey), Bilal Kattan (Saudi Arabia) & Antoine Kazzi (USA)

6.00 - 7.00 Hospital and Medical Transport Accreditation: Role in Advancing Emergency Medicine
- Scott Altman (USA) and Ghaleb Okla (Kuwait)
6.30 - 8.00 Go to Auditorium for EuSEM General Assembly

Track E - Mestral 1

EM Systems Around the World
Chairs and Moderators: Phil Anderson (USA) and Pinchas Halpern (Israel)

9.00 - 10.00 EM in Estonia - Aleksander Sipria
EM in Bulgaria - Assen Geshev
EM in Malta - Anna Spiteri
10.00 - 11.15 EM in Austria - Christoph Pechlaner
EM in Germany - Wolfgang Dick
EM in UK - John Heyworth
11.15 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 - 1.00 EM in Denmark - Erika Christensen
EM in Finland - Tom Silfvast
EM in Norway - Audun Langhelle
EM in Sweden - Thomas Arnhjort
EM in Iceland - Brynjólfur Mogensen
Chairs and Moderators: Phil Anderson (USA) and Gos de Vries (Netherlands)
2.30 - 3.00

The History of EM in Europe
- Herman Delooz (Belgium)

3.00 - 4.00

EM in Belgium - Marc Sabbe
EM in the Netherlands - Joost Bierens
EM in Switzerland - Josef Osterwalder

4.00 - 5.15

EM in France - Axel Ellrodt
EM in Italy - Ivo Casagranda
EM in Turkey - Ulkumen Rodoplu

5.15 - 6.30

EM in Portugal - Vitor Almeida
EM in Spain - Guillermo Burillo Putze

6.30 - 8.00

Go to Auditorium for EuSEM General Assembly

Track F - Garbi

The Spanish Track


Actualización en Emergencias Hospitalarias (In-hospital Emergency Medicine Updates)
Chairs: Santiago Tomás Vecina (Spain) and Jonathan Edlow (USA)
*CME Credit will not be offered for the Spanish Track

  • Fibrinolisis en el Accidente Cerebrovascular Isquémico (Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke)
    - Francisco Aramburu (Spain)
  • Sindrome Coronario Agudo: Angioplastica vs Fibrinolisis (Acute Coronary Syndrome: Angioplasty vs Thrombolysis)
    - Pedro Parrilla Hervanz (Spain)
  • Marcadores de Diseña: TEP e Insuficiencia Cardiaca (Clinical Markers: PE and Cardiac Failure)
    - Maria Angeles Leciñena Esteban (Spain)
11.15 - 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 - 1.00 Go to Auditorium for Plenary Session
3.00 - 5.00 Retos del S. XXI: Nuevas Emergencias, Nuevos Planteamientos en Grandes Aglomeraciones Urbanas
(The 21st Century Challenges: New Emergencies and New Solutions in Crowded Urban Areas)
- Chair: Josep Farres (Spain)
- Josep Gómez Jiménez (Principality of Andorra), Ricard Armengol (Spain), Jesus Diaz-Guijarro (Spain), Jaume Gil (Spain) and J. Luis Gilarranz (Spain)
5.00 - 6.30

Internet y Medicina de Urgencias
(Emergency Medicine and the Internet)
- Chairs: Kenneth Thompsom Okatsu (Spain) and Isam Nasr (USA)

  • Fuentes de Información Para la Asistencia Médica Urgente
    - Francisco Hermosos Gadeo (Spain)
  • Internet y Telemedicina en Lugares Aislados
    - Ramón Nogué Bou(Spain)
  • Bibliografia On-Line en Urgencias y Emergencias
    - Jose Ramón Aguilar Regero (Spain)
  • Formación Médica On-line en Emergencias
    - Tomás Toranzo Cepeda (Spain)

Track G - Llevant 1

Oral Abstract Presentations

9.00 - 11.15

Oral Abstract Presentations

11.15 - 11.30

Coffee Break

11.30 - 12.15

Meet the Experts: "Neurologic Emergencies"
- Andrew Asimos (USA), Nina Gentile (USA) and Christopher Lewandowski (USA)

12.15 - 1.00

Meet the Experts: "Psychiatric Emergencies"
- Leslie Zun (USA) and Steve Traub (USA)

2.30 - 6.30

Oral Abstract Presentations

6.30 - 8.00

Go to Auditorium for EuSEM General Assembly

Track H - Llevant 2

Oral Abstract Presentations

9.00 - 11.15

11.30 - 1.00

2.30 - 6.30

Track I - Mestral 2

Oral Abstract Presentations

9.00 - 11.15

11.30 - 1.00

2.30 - 6.30

Track J - Poster Hall

Poster Presentations
9.00 - 11.15 Poster Session 1
11.30 - 1.00 Poster Session 2
2.30 - 4.30 Poster Session 3
4.30 - 6.30 Poster Session 4