Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress EuSEM logo AAEM logo
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Co-Organizing Societies & Foundations | Sponsoring Societies & Organizations | Hosting Institutions | Committees
Presidents & Keynote Speakers | Presidents Message | Speakers | Exhibitor Information | Supporters | ACCME Information
Photo Gallery | MEMCIV-2007, Sorrento, Italy | MEMCII-2003, Sitges, Spain | MEMCI-2001, Stresa, Italy

Official Endorsements


International Federation For Emergency Medicine (IFEM)


Organizing Societies

American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)

European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)


Co-Organizing Societies

National and international organizations or societies interested in sponsoring or participating in the Mediteranean Congress should e-mail us at nice@emcongress.org.

The Council of EM Residency Directors (CORD)
The European Master in Disaster Medicine and EMDM Alumni Association
National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP)

Spanish Society for Emergency Medicine (SEMES)

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)

The CORD and SAEM portions of the program and their speakers did not receive any form of direct sponsorships.